KrisFlyer News Singapore Airlines

Not so fast: KrisFlyer Elite Silver members face a wait for refreshed benefits

The launch button for enhanced KrisFlyer Elite Silver benefits was apparently pressed early, with SIA now earmarking the changes for a later date.

On Tuesday this week Singapore Airlines announced a series of enhanced benefits for its KrisFlyer Elite Silver tier members on its website, in the form of a trio of solid improvements comprising priority check-in, priority boarding and an enhanced complimentary baggage allowance.


Unfortunately though, it appears that the details were released earlier than intended, with the airline then removing any mention of the new perks on its website the same evening.

On Wednesday Singapore Airlines confirmed in a statement to Mainly Miles that new benefits are indeed in the works for KrisFlyer Elite Silver members, but that the changes aren’t happening just yet.

“Singapore Airlines will be refreshing our KrisFlyer Elite Silver membership benefits.

“More details will be announced in due course.”

SIA Spokesperson

The airline would not confirm to us whether the new benefits they outlined on Tuesday were accurate, so we can’t say for sure that once the changes are formally announced they will precisely resemble the ‘leaked’ ones.


However, it’s probably a safe assumption that these will be the enhancements for KrisFlyer Elite Silver members, at some stage in the (hopefully not too distant) future.

Here’s a summary of what was announced (then rescinded), for reference.

Extra checked baggage allowance on Singapore Airlines flights

Priority check-in at selected airports

Priority boarding on Singapore Airlines flights

Reports from our readers suggest that priority boarding for Silver members is already being rolled out at some airports in the last few days, despite these changes being unconfirmed and also not formally kicking in yet.

We asked SIA whether any approximate timeline for introduction of these benefit enhancements could be provided (i.e. whether we are expecting days, weeks or months here), but they referred us back to their original statement that “more details will be announced in due course”.

Let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later, now that it seems like ‘the cat’s out of the bag’ anyway.

Refreshed KrisFlyer Elite Silver benefits will be coming, but we don’t know when. (Photo: Sorbis / Shutterstock)

Keep an eye on the KrisFlyer Elite Silver benefits page of the Singapore Airlines website, where these new benefits briefly appeared, for details of the formal rollout.



In the meantime, while we wait for these new benefits to kick in, here’s our comprehensive and recently updated summary of all the benefits KrisFlyer Elite Silver members do currently get.


Singapore Airlines outlined a welcome trio of benefit improvements for its KrisFlyer Elite Silver members on its website earlier this week, but it seems like the details were accidentally released ahead of schedule.

The airline removed the new perks, and confirmed to us that while some changes are indeed coming, they will actually be announced at a later date.

Though it can’t be guaranteed, it looks as though priority check-in, priority boarding and an additional 10kg (or 1 piece) baggage allowance are the changes in store, though no timescale for implementation is being revealed at this stage.

Stay tuned for the formal announcement, whenever that might be.

(Cover Photo: Shutterstock)



  1. The next benefit SIA should consider is providing lounge access to Premium Economy passengers, similar to what ANA and JAL offer, Gold lounge access should be good enough. Additionally, it’s crucial to train their business class crew members to plate meals in a more visually appealing manner. Some of the recent meals I had in business class looked unappetising, resembling someone’s puke on a tiny square plate. I guess that tiny plate is to save a few bucks from a reduced portion size.

    1. Very unlikely as many of their lounges are already over capacity a peak times.
      Maybe when Changi T5 is open

  2. I can confirm the priority boarding in Changi Airport has not started. Last evening on my SIN-BKK flight, when the call was made and being a Singaporean, I immediately chiong to the gate. Unfortunately no Silver call was made and I had to wait until Group 6 is called 😆

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